and take trace of changements and property
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Make your guitar unique
Guitars are not just objects but an extension of a musicien’s body, a part of his history and even if they are mass-produced each piece has its soul, its strengths and his weaknesses.
Spread your instrument
By flashing the qrcode of your instrument, anyone will be able to access a public page where the photos and data of your guitar will be visible.
Use your guitar’s qrcode to show yopur instrument in all your socials or marketplaces!

Track changes made to your instrument
Did you change the bridges or did you have your guitar repainted?
Track any changes in GuitarIdentity.

Transfer the ownership of an instrument

Who are we?
Manlio Moscarino in addition to playing the guitar since he was a teenager has worked from the early 2000s to today for some of the largest and most important musical instrument shops in southern Italy thus having the opportunity to test guitars of all economic ranges and to observe the evolution and the changes that have taken place over the years.
Like all guitarists he is also a proud collector of a Gibson Les Paul Custom shop from ’72, a PRS Custom 24 from 2005, a Fender Strat HM Japan from 85, several Fender American Standard Strato and Tele, and other 20 handcrafted guitars. , economic, classic, semi-acoustic, silent….
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